Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Food week 1

While I'm not technically through the first week, today is day 7.
I'm doing a helluva lot better than my counterpart- poor guy.  That definitely wasn't the case in the beginning, though.
Within 24 hours, my body started rejecting anything that wasn't sugar.  I could feel it, and knew I was eating good food- but couldn't keep it down.  I'm really amazed at the control of sugar over the body.
I started on Thursday and struggled through Friday.  Saturday K went to work, so I was home alone. All day.  In a house that still has ginger cookies on the shelf and mixed nuts and cinnamon rolls in the outside fridge.
AND I DID IT!!!! I cut up veggies in the morning, snacked on them when I was sad, and drank a few protein shakes to try to ease the cravings.  
I have no idea where the self control came from, but it was obviously not there the week before when the girl scout cookies mysteriously landed on my desk.  :/
So now I'm eating disgusting food, daily, and telling myself it's good for me (gag) and choking it down.  I do feel better about myself and it's much easier just fighting psychology over the physical pain.
After seeing what "other" people are going through bc they don't want to give up their pre-workout shake with sugar in it that's drawing this whole thing out, I don't want to be there.  And someone has to be level-headed here.

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