Monday, January 23, 2012

Typical Week of Food

I have no idea what the average American eats. Fast food every night? Frequent pizza delivery? Soda? Square meals three times a day with milk at the dinner table?  Beats me. I have no idea how to compare myself to "average" so here's a week in my current food routine:
During the work week I eat a piece of fruit or two in the car on the way to work. If K makes eggs and toast, I'll eat that before I leave. Then I eat anything I can find bc I'm starving and hour after I get to work- sometimes I have mixed nuts at my desk.  This is all a recent evolution from eating oatmeal every morning at my desk for a year that I stopped in December.  
I bring a frozen lunch a few days a week (preservatives give me a headache, so it's always Kashi or Amys).  and then one day I'll go to Whole Foods- this can mean pizza or salad bar- it's a toss up.  The other few days I go out to eat randomly- usually a burger from PTerrys (wheat bun) or Home Slice Pizza or soup and salad. Basically, slightly healthy leaning, but not legitimately healthy.  I either frink water, or have a Diet Coke, depending on what I'm eating. See? There's no way of knowing if it'll be awesome or the worst lunch ever.
In the afternoon sometimes I try to control my carb crash with a hot tea at my desk. Other days are ugly and involve Diet Coke or Snickers.  There's a lot of sugar in the afternoons- frequent chocolate bars float around the office.
Dinner is usually an awesome home cooked meal by the hubby that involves good, real food. Think: chicken chili or Quorn burgers on those sandwich flats that are whole grain/ low carb.  Sometimes we eat out, but it's typically decent chain restaurants like Cheddars.
On the weekends it's more home-cooked good food with awesome breakfasts- lots of eggs and whole grains- tuna fish sandwich lunches and good dinner. When K's not home- not so much. That looks more like snacking all day- peanut butter toast, yogurt with granola, Starbucks and a pastry at Target.
Oh- Starbucks! I stop there every Friday morning for a grande mocha w/ one pump mocha, one pump caramel brulee, no whip. And a warmed pastry- usually a muffin- apple bran or zucchini walnut. I feel better about myself saying that, even though they probably have the same volume of lard as the apple fritter.
Sooo, I think I'm semi-healthy, but definitely not legitimately so. It's more half-assed and not working.  The only thing I have going for me is my food allergies (crap only) and awesome husband. Big girl pants- here I come.

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