Monday, January 23, 2012

Launching Point

In the last year I've had a little time between school and work to start learning about the effects of food on health. Not just the big picture (of course vegetables are good for you, duh), but I've been focusing on the impact of gut balance to overall health. I can't link, but watching Natasha Campbell-McBride on the Mercola channel on YouTube was my launching point.
I have semi-frequent migraines. Probably a few a month. Fortunately they're pretty controllable with medication, but I can't seem to make them stop. I can't tolerate preservatives, sulfites/ates, food coloring, or beer on certain days.
As much as I want to consume every single book on gut health out there, I don't have that kind of time to take away from my school work, and I'd like to start making changes sooner rather than later.
So I went and saw a nutritionist. She isn't as intense as McBride, but she was recommended by my friend who has read all of the books and has taken her family to the far reaches of healthy lifestyle. I don't see myself going there any time soon, but I think it's pretty awesome what she has taught herself and accomplished for her family.
So anyways, the nutritionist. K and I went in to do our evaluations and then meridians. (Hello, awesome!) She tested our meridians and gave us the diagnosis. It's hard to 100% be on board with the whole meridian thing, but the diagnosis is candida overgrowth. Thanks to Dr Google, I am on board with the assessment. It's where I have been going with the research as well.  The 35-day diet is essentially brown rice or quinoa, greens and chicken or fish protein, with veggies representing 2/3 of the diet.  I kind of don't care whether the meridians are accurate or not- I really feel like this is something I need to do for my body. I've been way too stressed the last year, and I need to give it a break and force myself to stop eating crap all the time. Going through this with a nutritionist who is telling me exactly which organic supplements to take just makes it that much easier. It's pricey, but that seems to be the theme for not having time to do it myself and still making sure it gets done right.

So here we go. I cut caffeine first, and the diet starts in three days.

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